Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Child Development Synthesis 2

Child Development Synthesis

Q For this first draft you will be focused on the social-emotional domain. Your first step will be to locate observations you have completed (DRDP, anecdotal records, running records) that tell you about children's social-emotional development for the age group you are observing. Step 1: Locate observations that you have already completed in your journal that map onto social-emotional development -- for instance these observations might have to do with: • Include assessment data collected in your observation journals (see journal #3, 4 and maybe 5 & 6) and your interpretation of these results which might include: o Emotional expressions and emotion regulation o Temperament o Identity development o Interactions and relationships with peers o Interactions and relationships with adults o Dramatic or Imaginative Play *For instance, if you completed the Identity of Self in Relation to Others DRDP measure you have data on identity development, an important area of social-emotional development, you will include this in your draft. Perhaps you have also observed interactions between the children, this would be a part of peer interactions that you could discuss. Step 2: Use the google slides from the class sessions on Social Emotional Development and those resources posted on Course Resources section of Canvas to guide your understanding of what a child in this age group to do in terms of social-emotional development. For instance, what should you expect in terms of identity development for a child this age? how about peer interactions? You can also pull some of this information from the Getting Started section of your journal. Step 3: Putting it all together into a draft. For the draft you will turn in on social-emotional development you will be discussing the ways in which your observation maps onto what you know about development for this age group (See student examples on Canvas under the Child Development Synthesis section). Use sub-headers to organize your responses. For instance you might have Peer Interactions as a sub-header, you might have Identity as a sub-header, etc. For this first draft try to include 2-3 sub-areas of social-emotional development. For your final draft of this assignment you be aiming for 3-4 sub-areas. PreviousNext

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Social development is an important part of a child's development. Different areas are being observed in children for their socio-emotional development. When the first aspect of socio-emotional development is considered. The children's emotional expression and emotional regulation are different for each of the children. For the first child, it becomes difficult to show emotion because of the language constraints. Though the kid tries to show it through body language, it is difficult to express. The second and third kids do not have any problem showing emotion.